Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Grilled Wild Spring Onions

Wild onions grow everywhere here, and I mean everywhere.  In the pastures, in the lawn, along the roads, in fallow plowed ground especially.  They are a real treat to pull, clean and grill as an accompaniment to any meat cooked on the grill.  These onions are very mild and delicious.  Very young ones can be minced well up their thin green stalks and used raw like chives or scallions in salads, soups, baked potatoes and so forth.  As they grow larger the stalks grow tougher, but the small bulb and white part of the stem can still be tender.
Wild onions just pulled and washed with a strong blast from the hose to remove all the mud

Roots and upper stalks trimmed off and washed well at the kitchen sink.
 A couple of the tougher layers have been pulled off the stem and bulb so the onion is more tender.

Coat the onions lightly with olive oil and season with just salt and pepper.
Place them directly on the hot grill and use the stalks as handles to turn them frequently.

Ready to enjoy!  Just eat the bulb.  Mild and delicious.  If you didn't pull off enough tough outer layers, be a little more aggressive with your trimming next time and/or use younger smaller onions.  In the meantime, if the onions are a bit tough on the outer layer, strip the tender inner bulb out of the stalk by running it through your teeth or popping it out of the stalk with your thumb and index finger.

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