Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Garden Update Photos

foreground left - Red onions, tops falling over, almost ready to pull; foreground center - Chippolini onions almost ready.  Background left - yellow onions; background center - white onions.  On the right are Leeks.
Closer view of yellow onions on the left and white onions on the right.  They are about as big as they are going to get and the tops are starting to fall over.  They will be ready to harvest fairly soon - then dried and stored.  We have a total of around 300+ onions between the 4 varieties we are growing.
Yellow onion straight from the garden.  They don't need to be dried and stored before using.  They can be pulled  and used right away.  This one was turned into sliced grilled onion to top off some bacon cheeseburgers.

Pick larger outside leaves.  The smaller inner leaves will continue to grow and new leaves will sprout.
Large leaves washed and ready to prepare.

Tear off the green leafy part and chop the center stem into bite size pieces
 A good simple preparation for Swiss Chard:
Saute the stems in a combination of butter, olive oil and white wine for 5 minutes.  Add a clove on minced garlic and saute for 30 seconds.  Add the leafy green parts, a little lemon juice, salt & pepper and saute until the greens are wilted.  Remove from the heat.  Add a little Parmesan cheese.  Serve.

Pumpkin and Watermelon vines
Sugar Pie Pumpkin
Acorn squash
Poblano peppers

Sweet potato vines
2nd planting of tomatoes - we are going to let these sprawl on the ground
Kentucky wonder pole beans

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